I Want PrEP Now
PrEP is a pill that protects you from HIV. It is a course of tablets that you take before and after sex.
Anyone who:
PrEP is almost 100% effective at stopping HIV when taken as directed.
If you are HIV positive, PrEP is not suitable for you. You need antiretroviral treatment.
You must be HIV negative.
Ideally, you should visit a sexual health clinic for a full STI screening, including an HIV test and a kidney function blood test before starting PrEP.
If you’ve had a recent risk of exposure to HIV, you might need to repeat the HIV test again in six weeks.
If you have used a home HIV self-test, you will still need to have an HIV test which is conducted in a lab.
While at your clinic, ask about getting vaccinations. You might be eligible for hepatitis A, hepatitis B, or HPV vaccinations. They are free and relatively painless.
If you cannot access free or subsidised PrEP from a health service you can buy it privately.
It’s still important to have your baseline blood tests for HIV and kidney function and to have regular HIV and STI monitoring every 3 months.
There are different options available to you depending on where you are located. If ordering PrEP online from ‘overseas sellers’ remember:
Daily PrEP covers everyone (all genders and all types of sex). Daily PrEP is the most used dosing option.
How you take PrEP is your choice.